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How Reducing Caffeine Intake Can Transform Your Health

Quitting caffeine can have a range of health benefits, such as improved sleep, lower blood pressure, less anxiety, headache relief, improved nutrition, weight loss, hormone balance, healthier teeth, improved digestion, and slow aging.
Caffeine has an effect on brain chemistry and is addictive. When someone tries to quit caffeine, they might experience withdrawal symptoms.
Many regular coffee drinkers who quit caffeine report feeling off and tired all the time. However, after about two weeks, they report feeling less anxious, more energetic, and getting better sleep.
Coffee is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of caffeine. But caffeine is not just in your coffee. From the matcha latte you pick up on your way to work to the energy drink you chug down after your workout, caffeine is present in more things than you may have imagined.
Surveys have estimated that approximately 85% of adults in the United States drink at least one caffeinated beverage per day. Like millions of Americans, you might rely on caffeine to wake you up and keep you going. Besides, there are several proven health benefits of drinking caffeine (a faster metabolism and potential weight loss, a longer life, and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are just some of them).
But did you know there are also significant health benefits of quitting caffeine? Continue reading to learn how you can benefit if you stop drinking caffeinated drinks and what caffeine withdrawal might feel like.
Health Benefits of Quitting Caffeine: Is Quitting Caffeine Good For You?
Caffeine affects many systems in the body. Quitting caffeine can have a range of health benefits. Here are some of the short- and long-term benefits of going caffeine-free.
Better Sleep
Caffeine is structurally similar to a neurotransmitter in the brain called adenosine, which promotes wakefulness. By binding to adenosine receptors, caffeine can cause similar effects and help you stay awake. However, daily caffeine consumption can affect your sleep cycle, leading to reduced alertness, restlessness, and daytime drowsiness. This is especially true if you consume caffeine within 6 hours of bedtime. Quitting caffeine can make it easier for you to fall asleep and get an undisturbed night of rest.
Lower Blood Pressure
One of the benefits of quitting caffeine is that it can be good for your blood pressure. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and vasoconstrictor (it causes blood vessels to become narrower, thereby restricting blood flow). Caffeine, therefore, causes a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. High blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to a range of serious health complications, including heart attack and stroke.
Less Anxiety
Many people drink a mug of coffee first thing in the morning because caffeine gives them energy. However, caffeine also stimulates the body’s fight-or-flight response, leading to symptoms such as nervousness, stress, anxiety, low mood, heart palpitations, and panic attacks. Quitting caffeine can make you less anxious, especially if you are prone to anxiety or a depressed mood.
Headache Relief
Headaches are a common and unpleasant side effect of caffeine withdrawal. You can get a headache soon after missing your morning cup of joe, or it may show up several days later. Other withdrawal symptoms can include brain fog, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and fatigue. Even if you don’t experience caffeine withdrawal, studies have shown that daily caffeine intake is a risk factor for chronic daily headaches.
Improved Nutrition
Caffeine contains substances called tannins that affect the absorption of important nutrients like B vitamins, calcium, and iron from the gut. This is especially true for people who do not eat a balanced diet and/or have a very high caffeine intake. Quitting caffeine can improve nutrition by ensuring better absorption of all nutrients from food.
Weight Loss
Many caffeinated beverages are loaded with sugar. Reducing or eliminating caffeine can help you lower your overall calorie intake and help with weight loss.
Balanced Hormones
Caffeinated beverages like energy drinks, sodas, coffee, and tea can affect estrogen levels in women. Research has shown that Caucasian women who consume 200 mg of caffeine or more per day have lower estrogen levels compared to women who do not drink caffeinated beverages. In Black and Asian women, a caffeine habit can lead to elevated estrogen levels. These variations in hormone levels can lead to worsening of menopausal symptoms. They can also put a woman at increased risk of endometriosis and certain types of cancers.
Healthier Teeth
Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea contain tannins that can stain the tooth enamel. Also, the acid in coffee drinks can lead to wear and tear of the teeth. If you stop drinking coffee, you may find you have whiter, healthier teeth. Learn more about the best and worst foods for your teeth.
Fewer Gastric Issues
Caffeinated drinks can cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Caffeine stimulates the muscles of the colon (large intestine) and has a natural laxative effect. Caffeine can also lead to stronger contractions of the anal sphincter, leading to an increased desire to defecate. That’s why coffee makes you poop, sometimes almost right away.
However, large amounts of caffeine can lead to diarrhea. Also, caffeine has been implicated as a trigger for GERD (acid reflux). If you suffer from these health issues, quitting coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages may be beneficial.
Relief From Urinary Symptoms
Caffeine increases bladder activity and has a diuretic effect. Drinking caffeine can, therefore, exacerbate symptoms such as increased frequency and urgency of urination as well as incontinence or urine leakage in people with an overactive bladder.
Studies have shown that women who drink more than around 200 mg of caffeine per day are more likely to have urinary incontinence, which can impact quality of life. One of the benefits of quitting caffeine might be relief from urinary symptoms.
Slowed Aging
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks can interfere with collagen formation. Collagen is an essential protein that gives your skin a youthful, supple appearance. By quitting caffeine, you may be able to slow down the development of fine lines and wrinkles and thus delay the visible signs of aging.
Break From Addiction
Like cocaine, which is an illicit drug, caffeine has an effect on brain chemistry, which gives it addictive qualities. This is why when someone tries to quit caffeine, they might experience withdrawal symptoms. Quitting caffeine gradually can break the cycle of addiction and dependence on a substance to stay awake or function normally.
Recommended Caffeine Intake: How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?
Experts say that up to 400 mg of caffeine per day is safe for most adults. This is roughly equivalent to drinking a cup of coffee 4-5 times a day (or 10 cans of cola or 2 energy drinks).
The US Food and Drug Administration warns against powder and liquid forms of pure, highly concentrated caffeine that might be labeled as a dietary supplement because they can be extremely toxic and equivalent to about 28 cups of coffee.
Keep in mind that the caffeine content of beverages can vary greatly. Also, some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and even a small amount can make them jittery. Learn more about how much caffeine is too much.
Caffeine Withdrawal
What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Drinking Coffee?
Cutting back on caffeine can be challenging. This is a psychoactive substance that affects your mind. If you quit abruptly, you may experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headache, irritability, fatigue, difficulty focusing, and tiredness. That’s why you should plan on quitting coffee slowly. Try becoming caffeine-free by gradually reducing your caffeine consumption rather than quitting cold turkey.
How long does it take to feel normal after quitting caffeine?
Fortunately, the withdrawal symptoms of caffeine are mild. Most people start to feel normal a few days after quitting caffeine. However, the length of time it takes to feel normal can vary from person to person and will depend on the duration and severity of the caffeine habit.
How long does it take your body to detox from caffeine?
If you stop caffeine consumption cold turkey, you will likely need at least 12-24 hours to detox. However, the detox period can last 2 to 9 days, depending on how many cups of coffee you were drinking when you decided to quit. If you have a heavy caffeine intake, talk to your healthcare provider or a licensed dietician before attempting a caffeine detox.
Tips On Reducing or Eliminating Caffeine Intake
Here are some tips to reap the health benefits of quitting caffeine:
Start by keeping a tab on your caffeine intake. Read labels carefully and keep track of how much caffeine you are drinking on a daily basis from all sources. Remember, caffeine is present in various unexpected things, such as energy drinks, teas, chocolate, some packaged foods, and over-the-counter pain relievers.
Try cutting back on caffeine consumption slowly. For example, by reducing one can of soda a day or drinking a smaller cup of coffee in the morning.
Shorten the brew time on your coffee and tea.
Choose caffeine-free herbal teas or switch to decaf coffee. You should know that decaffeinated coffee is not entirely caffeine-free but has a lower caffeine content than regular coffee.
Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will energize you and counteract some of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting caffeine.
Limit consuming caffeine to the morning hours. Stopping caffeine intake by mid-afternoon will reduce its impact on sleep.
Who Should Consider Going Caffeine-Free?
If you are drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day, you may be experiencing side effects such as headache, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, tremors (shakiness), fast heartbeat, and frequent urination. If this is the case, it is worth trying to trim down your caffeine habit and eventually trying to quit caffeine altogether.
Also, people who have anxiety disorders, sleep problems, high blood pressure, imbalance in hormones, urinary symptoms, gastric issues, poor dental health, or headaches can consider going caffeine-free to see if it improves their symptoms and overall health.
Common Questions
Does quitting caffeine improve overall health?
Quitting caffeine may improve overall health. This psychoactive substance not only affects the mind but many other organ systems throughout the body.
Will I be happier if I quit caffeine?
You may be happier after quitting caffeine or reducing caffeine use. This change in lifestyle can help to reduce anxiety and depressed mood, balance hormone levels, and promote better sleep. These effects can contribute to your happiness and overall well-being.
How does giving up caffeine change daily life?
Many regular coffee drinkers who quit caffeine or switched to decaffeinated coffee report that, at first, their daily routine felt off, they were tired all the time, and they needed to take naps during the daytime. However, after about two weeks, they felt like they had regained control over their caffeine dependency. They also felt less anxious and more energetic, were sleeping better, and overall felt like a different person.
Is quitting caffeine worth it? Should I live caffeine-free?
Removing caffeine from your daily routine can have several health benefits, as detailed above. If you find that quitting caffeine entirely is not possible, then reducing your intake could help you become healthier in the long term. This is especially true if you are consuming large quantities of caffeine (more than 400 mg per day).