
Medically Reviewed by HaVy Ngo, Pharm.D.

Last Reviewed: Jun 07, 2022


What is Vyvanse used for? 

Vyvanse is FDA-approved for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adult patients and children between the ages of 6 to 17. Vyvanse is also used to treat binge eating disorders in adults. Even though Vyvanse is an appetite suppressant, this medicine is not recommended for weight loss or obesity. 

How does Vyvanse work?

Vyvanse’s exact mechanism is unknown. However, Vyvanse has been shown to raise the level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which enhance focus, and reduce impulsive behavior, thus, controlling the symptoms of ADHD in adults and children. 

 What is the suggested dosing for Vyvanse?

The recommended starting dose is 30 mg by mouth once daily, and it may be adjusted every week in increments of 10 or 20 mg based on clinical response and adverse effects to determine the correct dose for the patient. The maximum dose is 70 mg once daily. Since Vyvanse is a once-a-day dosing medicine, the number of capsules or tablets you will receive is 30 per prescription.  Vyvanse is a schedule II controlled substance; refill is not eligible. A new prescription of Vyvanse must be obtained for each fill.