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Kybella Injections: How They Work

A double chin (excess fat below the chin or “chin fat”) can be a frustrating problem for many people who exercise regularly and consume a healthy diet. In these cases, the fat cells in the chin area tend to be stubborn and are often resistant to diet and exercise. Kybella is a nonsurgical, FDA-approved, injectable treatment to improve the appearance of submental fat, the medical term for under-the-chin fat or double chin. Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a natural chemical in the body that helps with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. In other words, the active ingredient of Kybele is designed to kill fat cells. The treatment is done in an office setting, and each session takes about 15 to 20 minutes, with little to no recovery required after the injection. Please keep reading to find out how Kybella injections work to destroy fat cells to get rid of a double chin.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a brand name product that contains deoxycholic acid as the active ingredient. It is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for subcutaneous fat under the chin, commonly called a “double chin.” Kybella can destroy unwanted fat cells and reduce the appearance of a double chin when diet and exercise alone are not successful in doing so.

What exactly does Kybella do?

Kybella contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally produced substance in the human body that dissolves dietary fat in the digestive tract. When it is injected into unwanted submental fat present under the chin, deoxycholic acid destroys the fat cells in this area. The liquefied fatty tissue is then naturally eliminated over time, thereby reducing the appearance of the fat pocket under the chin, causing the unappealing appearance of a double chin. 

How do they inject Kybella?

Kybella injections are done directly into the skin below the chin. Depending on how much subcutaneous fat is present and your personal preference for the profile, your doctor will determine the exact number of injections. They will give you multiple injections (usually 20-50), placed about 1 cm apart. Typically, each treatment session consists of multiple injections that take about 15 to 20 minutes. 

How painful are Kybella injections?

Before injecting Kybella, your provider will use an ice pack or apply a topical numbing medicine on the planned injection site to minimize discomfort. Afterward, the injection sites in the treated area under the chin may be tender to touch for about 30 to 60 minutes. However, most patients do not find the treatment sessions painful.

Can Kybella work after one treatment?

Kybella injection is unlikely to work after one treatment. You need multiple treatments before you’ll see a noticeable reduction in the appearance of a double chin. Each treatment session is completed at least one month apart, with no more than six treatment sessions. Your doctor will develop a treatment plan depending on the desired results for the chin profile in addition to the amount and distribution of the submental fat. Subsequent treatments are done at least one month after the previous one. 

How long does Kybella last?

Kybella lasts for many years, even forever, provided you follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent the redevelopment of a double chin. The deoxycholic acid permanently destroys fat cells. Treatment results are noticeable at about 6 weeks after completing the treatment series, and continuing improvements are seen for about six months.  

What not to do after Kybella treatment?

  • Avoid rubbing or massaging the treatment area. 

  • Do not use harsh cleansers on your face.

  • Minimize strenuous exercise for 3 days.

  • Avoid facials, chemical peels, laser treatments, and dermal filler injections for 14 days.

What are the common side effects of Kybella? 

The common side effects of a Kybella treatment are typically minor and temporary, including tenderness, redness, swelling, numbness, and hardness in the treated area. 

Can anything go wrong with Kybella?

Rarely, Kybella treatment can cause a serious adverse event, such as nerve injury causing facial muscle weakness, uneven smile, and problems swallowing. Severe injection site problems include bruising, hair loss (beard hair loss), damage, and tissue cell death around the injection areas. You should call your provider without delay if you develop open sores, drainage, or increasing pain and redness at the injection sites after a Kybella treatment. Also, contact your doctor if you develop swollen or tender lymph nodes in the neck, an uneven smile, or trouble swallowing. 

Who should not use Kybella? 

Kybella injections may not be right for everyone. Talk to your provider about the safety and effectiveness of Kybella treatment if you:

  • Are below 18 years of age 

  • Have had an allergic reaction to deoxycholic acid in the past

  • Have swelling or infection in the area under the chin

  • Have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic procedures on your chin, face, or neck, such as a facelift or neck lift

  • Have bleeding problems

  • Have trouble swallowing

  • Have a medical history of conditions that affect the chin or neck area

  • Are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding

  • Are taking aspirin or other blood thinners

Note: Kybella is only for the treatment of submental fat (excess fat below the chin or a double chin). It is not known if this treatment is safe and effective in other areas, for example, underarm or armpit fat, also known as “bra fat.” 

Does insurance cover Kybella?

Cosmetic treatments like Kybella are typically not covered by health insurance plans.

Is Kybella better than surgical procedures for a double chin?

A dermatologic surgery such as liposuction is a well-established method of sculpting the chin and jawline by surgically removing unwanted fat. However, this is a more invasive cosmetic procedure that is not only more expensive but also carries more risks and has a longer recovery period. 

A prescription medicine like Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is a nonsurgical procedure that is a well-tolerated alternative to plastic surgery. Another advantage of Kybella is the fact that it does not require recovery time after each treatment session. 

Your healthcare provider will help you decide between Kybella and other alternatives, such as cosmetic surgery, depending on the target tissue in your chin area. If you have severe fat and skin laxity in the chin area, you may get significantly improved satisfaction with a surgical procedure such as liposuction. On the other hand, if you have a moderate to severe double chin, you may be a good candidate for Kybella treatment. Kybella could give you a noticeable reduction in your double chin without the risks, recovery period, and expenses associated with surgical procedures.



  1. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/k/kybella.html

  2. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a615026.html

  3. https://www.allerganaesthetics.com/brands/kybella

  4. https://www.mykybella.com/what-is-kybella