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The 8 Best Antacids for Gas Pain

Gas in the digestive system is a normal occurrence. It is usually passed through the mouth (belching) or anus (flatulence). However, if excessive gas bubbles get trapped in the digestive tract, they can cause pain, pressure, fullness, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. Please continue reading to learn which anti-gas products work best.
What causes gas?
Gas occurs in the gastrointestinal tract from swallowed air or when bacteria in the large intestine break down simple sugars and complex carbohydrates. Some amount of gas is normal, and it is usually passed out through belching and flatulence. However, excessive gas buildup can be uncomfortable and may cause abdominal bloating, fullness, and pressure.
Which OTC medication is best for gas?
Some of the over-the-counter products that can provide relief from bloating, fullness, and pressure due to excessive gas include:
- Gas-X, Maalox Anti-Gas, Flatulex Drops, Mylanta Gas, Phazyme, Alka Seltzer Anti-Gas, and others: The active ingredient in these products is simethicone. This substance helps break down gas bubbles and makes them easier to pass.
- Beano tablets: The active ingredient is alpha galactosidase, a natural enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates and makes them easier to digest, so they don’t produce as much gas.
- Lactaid: This product contains a digestive enzyme called lactase that helps in the digestion of dairy products. It is useful in preventing bloating and gas caused by lactose intolerance.
- Antacids with simethicone, for example, Tums Chewy Bites with Gas Relief: The active ingredients are calcium carbonate and simethicone.
- Osmotic laxatives such as MiraLax: The active ingredient is polyethylene glycol 3350. This product helps to relieve constipation-associated gas and bloating.
- Anti-diarrhea agents like Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol: The active ingredient is bismuth subsalicylate. It helps to relieve heartburn, indigestion, and gas.
- Activated charcoal supplements like CharcoCaps and Actidose-Aqua: These work by trapping gas bubbles. They may be available with other ingredients like simethicone.
- Prokinetic agents such as Propulsid (cisapride) and Reglan (metoclopramide): They amplify muscular contractions and facilitate the transit of food and waste materials through the digestive tract.
Always take any OTC medications at the recommended dosage on the package, and ensure you don’t give medication meant for adults to a child.
Do antacids help with trapped gas?
Antacids alone do not help with trapped gas. This type of medication works quickly to reduce the amount of stomach acid. It provides relief from symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion. Examples of antacids include OTC medications like Tums and Mylanta as well as other medications such as H2 blockers (Pepcid) and proton pump inhibitors (Protonix, Aciphex). However, combinations of antacids and other ingredients, such as Tums Chewy Bites with Gas Relief, in which the active ingredients are calcium carbonate and simethicone, can provide effective relief from gas and bloating symptoms.
Do Tums (calcium carbonate) relieve symptoms of gas?
Tums (calcium carbonate) are not very effective in providing gas relief. However, Tums Chewy Bites with Gas Relief is a good product for acid reflux and gas symptoms. It contains a combination of two active ingredients, calcium carbonate to neutralize stomach acid and simethicone for gas relief.
Does Pepcid provide gas relief?
Pepcid (generic medication: famotidine) is an H2 blocker that provides fast heartburn relief within 15-30 minutes. However, it does not provide gas relief.
What helps gas pain ASAP?
There are several medications with different ingredients that can provide relief from gas. Most of these medications are tolerated well and very rarely cause serious side effects or allergic reactions. Many contain inactive ingredients that make them taste good. They are available in capsule form, chewable tablets, granules, and oral solutions, which are easy to swallow.
However, if you do not want to take a drug such as an antacid or others to treat gas, there are some natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help reduce gas formation in your body:
- Decrease the amount of air you swallow by avoiding chewing gum and fizzy drinks. Also, avoid eating or drinking too fast or smoking. If you wear dentures, make sure they fit well.
- Certain foods and drinks can trigger gas and bloating symptoms, for example, spicy foods, fried or fatty foods, or sugary foods and drinks. Keep a food diary and avoid the foods that make your gas symptoms worse.
- Avoid drinking caffeine on an empty stomach, as this can lead to acidity and gas symptoms.
- Keep in mind that besides carbonated drinks, many alcohol-containing drinks, such as cocktails, are sugary and can result in gas, bloating, and discomfort.
- If OTC anti-gas products do not provide relief, make an appointment to see your doctor. There may be something else going on that cannot be treated with an OTC medication.
- If you have other gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, or abdominal pain, it’s possible your symptoms occur from a condition such as lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, celiac disease, etc. Treatment for the underlying condition will help relieve gas symptoms.
- https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/gas-digestive-tract/symptoms-causes#:
- https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682683.html
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/20282-lactase-chewable-tablets#
- https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?setid=6d7be7e4-4bff-4cfd-bbbe-df412ac9db10&version=7
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/how-to-get-rid-of-gas-pain
- https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a603032.html
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/18631-bismuth-subsalicylate-tablets#
- https://www.beanogas.com/anti-gas-pills/beano-tablets#
- https://www.uclahealth.org/news/does-activated-charcoal-help-with-gas-and-bloating#
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12055580/
- https://www.pepcid.com/our-products/digestive-health-top-to-bottom