Freestyle Libre 2 Sensor

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Harshi Dhingra, M.D.

Last Reviewed: Sep 25, 2023

Common Questions

Common Questions about FreeStyle Libre 2

Can you buy FreeStyle Libre 2 over the counter?

No, FreeStyle Libre 2 is available only with a doctor’s prescription.

Is FreeStyle Libre 2 covered by insurance?

Medicare and other state healthcare programs cover FreeStyle Libre 2 if the reader is used to review the data on some days of the month. Medicare and third-party payor criteria apply. Most commercially insured patients have FreeStyle Libre 2 covered by their insurance plan. However, you will need to confirm your insurance company’s payment policies and whether they will reimburse customers for this device as well as third-party coverage from third-party payors.

How does FreeStyle Libre 2 help in diabetes management?

Study data from real-world observational studies and meta-analysis have shown that the use of a flash glucose monitoring system such as FreeStyle Libre 2 can result in a significant and sustained reduction in hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) in adults and children with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

How accurate is FreeStyle Libre 2?

Clinical trials have shown that the difference in glucose levels obtained from FreeStyle Libre 2 and the actual glucose level in blood is less than 10%. Therefore, the device is considered fairly accurate and reliable.

What is the difference between Freestyle Libre 2 and 3?

FreeStyle Libre 3 is the newest, thinnest, and smallest CGM device. While FreeStyle Libre 2 can be used with a hand-held reader, FreeStyle Libre 3 only works with a smartphone app.

What is the price of FreeStyle Libre 2 without insurance?

Without insurance, FreeStyle Libre 2 can be as high as $249.97, but with a free BuzzRx prescription discount coupon, you could pay as low as $134.78 for the most common version of this medication. Use the BuzzRx drug price look-up tool to find the lowest discounted price, and be sure to enter the correct dosage, form, and quantity for the most accurate pricing. While generics tend to have the best savings, you can also use your BuzzRx card and coupons to purchase brand-name versions. It never hurts to ask your pharmacist to try BuzzRx when filling or refilling any of your prescription drugs—whether you have insurance or not.

What is the price of FreeStyle Libre 2 with insurance?

Ask your pharmacist or insurance provider for your copay price on FreeStyle Libre 2—Copay amounts vary depending on the type of insurance plan you have and if there is a deductible to reach before prescription drug coverage begins.

You could save up to 80% on your prescription medication with a free BuzzRx discount coupon for FreeStyle Libre 2. When using the BuzzRx lookup tool to find the price of your medicine, be sure to enter the correct dosage, form, and quantity to receive the most accurate discounted pricing. It never hurts to ask your pharmacist to try BuzzRx when filling or refilling any of your prescriptions—whether you have insurance or not.