
Medically Reviewed by Harshi Dhingra, M.D.

Last Reviewed: Jun 16, 2022

Rx Savings Tips

Amoxicillin (Moxatag) Rx savings tips

Amoxicillin is a generic penicillin antibiotic medication that kills bacteria by preventing them from making their own protective covering in the body. Like with most medications, the generic medicine offers the best value. Generic amoxicillin may be under $27 for 21 capsules of the 500-mg dose at participating pharmacies, such as Walmart Pharmacy and CVS Pharmacy, with a BuzzRx amoxicillin coupon or savings card. If paying for amoxicillin is a challenge for you, even with BuzzRx coupons, search for a patient assistance program on the drug manufacturer’s website or send them an email.

Lowest Price for amoxicillin (Moxatag)

Pricing based on most commonly-filled versions. Select the strength and quantity of your medication for the most accurate pricing.